• How we process your personal data

    At Axelerator AB (hereinafter referred to as Axelerator) we collect and use personal data from the individuals who interact with us as customers/suppliers and via our website. Naturally it is of the utmost importance to us to ensure that the personal data we collect is not disclosed to unauthorised persons or misused in any way. This Personal Data Policy describes how we collect and process personal data as well as your rights as a data subject.
  • How do we collect and use personal data?

    If you visit our website, use our application, or interact with our plugins, we may ask you to provide personal data in connection with certain activities. These activities may include, but are not limited to, purchasing products, filling in a form to become a customer, ordering catalogues or other information, and utilizing features on our application or plugins. We may disclose the information provided by you to a third party, such as our subcontractors/installers, if, for example, you order something that they will be delivering to you or installing for you.

  • What types of information do we collect?

    When you fill in a form to become a customer, or when you purchase or download products, we collect the following information:

    • First name and last name
    • Address
    • Phone number
    • Email address
    • Corporate ID number (or personal ID number in the case of a sole trader)
    • How you use our website and other digital channels (the pages you visit, the keywords you use for searches, etc.)
    • Purchasing history
  • What do we use this information for?

    We use your personal data to enable us to identify you as a customer or contractual party and enter into a valid contract. Your personal data is also used to enable us to contact you regarding deliveries, orders, price information or offers relating to your purchase. Your personal data is also used to enable us to communicate and reply to requests and enquiries submitted to our customer service by phone or via digital channels, and to investigate complaints and support cases (including technical support).
  • Performance of purchases or orders

    Your personal data is used to enable us to deliver the products or services you have ordered/purchased (including notification of and contact regarding delivery). If your purchase entails installation to be performed by a third party, we also forward your contact details to the third party so that they can contact you regarding the installation. Your data is also used in order to process your payment (this includes performing checks of your payment history and obtaining creditworthiness information from credit reporting agencies).
  • Mailings for information purposes, competitions and events

    The personal data we collect enables us to keep you up to date regarding our latest products and services and any upcoming campaigns/discounts/special offers. It is easy to unsubscribe from these mailings at any time if you no longer wish to receive them. We may also use the information to communicate important messages to you regarding purchases or changes to our terms and conditions or policies. If you take part in a competition, event or some other such campaign, we may use the information you provide for the purpose of administering the campaign.
  • Improvements

    We also use your personal data to enable us to create, develop, deliver, enhance and improve our products and services, our content and our marketing. This is made possible through analyses of the personal data collected by Axelerator AB for the same purpose, for example, analyses of how you use our website and other digital channels (the pages you visit, the keywords you use for searches, etc.) and your purchasing/order history. Based on these analyses, we are able to make our services more user-friendly, for example by simplifying the user interface.
  • To whom do we disclose the information?

    Subcontractors (i.e. “processors”): In order to be able to deliver goods and services to you, we disclose your information to our subcontractors and other companies within our group. We have entered into written agreements with these processors whereby they guarantee the security of the personal data that is processed and undertake to follow our instructions and security requirements as well as restrictions and requirements regarding international transfers of personal data. Some of our subcontractors may have parts of their business operations located in a third country, in other words, outside of Sweden or the EU/EEA. If, for the purpose of providing the service/product to you, we disclose personal data to a supplier in a third country, we provide appropriate safeguards and ensure that the information is processed in accordance with the requirements specified in GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), including by entering into agreements with our subcontractors that include the EU Commission’s standard data protection clauses.
  • For how long do we store the information?

    We do not store personal data for longer than necessary. The length of time we store the information depends on the purpose for which the information was collected and the statutory obligations to which we are subject according to law. Customer information is saved for as long as you are a customer of Axelerator AB and thereafter for a maximum of 24 months following the date of the cessation of the contractual relationship or the latest active dialogue. During the same period, we will also use the information to communicate attractive offers regarding our services and products based on your needs. Exceptions apply to certain types of data that must be saved for a certain period according to law, for example the Swedish Accounting Act.
    Supplier information is saved for as long as you are registered as our supplier and thereafter for a maximum of 24 months following the date of the cessation of the contractual relationship or the latest active dialogue. Exceptions apply to certain types of data that must be saved for a certain period according to law, for example the Swedish Accounting Act.
  • Business partners

    We may make certain information available to our business partners that provide services and products in collaboration with us, for example, partners that assist Axelerator AB in relation to marketing.
  • Authorities

    Upon request, we are obligated by law and statutory ruling to disclose personal data to competent authorities such as (for example) the Swedish Tax Agency.
  • Other

    If you have provided your consent, we may also disclose your personal data to other companies, organisations or persons in circumstances other than those described above.
  • Firewalls and security solutions

    Axelerator AB applies the use of firewalls and other security solutions, such as antivirus programs, to ensure that Axelerator AB’s IT environment is protected against intrusion and external threats.
  • What are your rights as a data subject?

    As a data subject, based on the regulations specified in GDPR, you have the following rights:

    • The right to have your personal data rectified if it is found to be inaccurate
    • The right to have your personal data erased (the ‘right to be forgotten’) if there are no other legal grounds as to why Axelerator AB needs to continue to save your personal data, for example obligations pursuant to the Swedish Accounting Act
    • The right to object to the processing, and the right to request restriction of the processing performed by Axelerator AB in relation to your personal data
    • The right to obtain all your personal data from Axelerator AB in a structured format
    • The right to be informed if an incident occurs whereby your personal data ends up in the wrong hands
    • The right to receive your personal data in a machine-readable format that enables transfer to another controller

    If you discover that something is wrong, or if you wish to receive your personal data or request erasure of your personal data, please contact our data protection officer (see the contact details below) for further assistance.

  • Our contact details

    Axelerator AB, VAT ID 559291-3106, with address Box 805, 194 28 Upplands Väsby, Sweden, is the controller in relation to the company’s processing of personal data. If you need to contact us with regard to a matter concerning data protection, please send us an email to: According to applicable data protection legislation, you have the right to submit a complaint regarding our processing of your personal data to the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection (